Accelerate Success with AI-Powered Test Automation – Smarter, Faster, Flawless

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History, as we know it, is riddled with myths and legends. Over the years, many of them were debunked by science or for the lack of substantial evidence.

In a similar fashion software testing has evolved over decades. Every new change heralded a new era, with new promises to bring a better testing process to the table. But, not all is perfect. During the course, few urban legends got attached to certain testing processes, including test automation.

Over the years, test automation has proved beneficial to all involved stakeholders – business or technical. But at the same time the myths surrounding it makes it difficult to make a business critical decision: To automate or not to automate. Let us explore those myths in this article and bust them by talking about facts and realities.

Myths Reality Check
Every manual test can be automated
  • Automation decreases the testing efforts and execution time by a huge percentage, thereby increasing the productivity. But, not all tests can be automated as the effort increase can be exponential. Prioritizing and automating the right tests is the key to design an efficient and optimal testing strategy.

Webomates provides services that can help you in generating and automating the right test cases using AI Modeler engine.

  • Load on manual testing can be substantially reduced if its partial test cases are executed via automation, thus improving overall productivity.

Webomates can help you in achieving this by partially automating the manual test cases, thus aiding in reducing human intervention for the cases cannot be fully automated.

Automation leads to QA downsizing

While automation reduces the degree of manual intervention by a certain amount, people are still very much part of the whole testing process.A well rounded testing process involves a fine balance between manual and automated testing.

Exploratory testing and Visual testing require human involvement to take care of hidden and not-so-obvious bugs.

Our patented AI Test Strategy and creator helps in devising a well-rounded test strategy for your application. Thus, helping in automating the right test cases and at the same time leveraging the competency of our experienced and efficient QA team to work on tests that need manual intervention.

Test script once created can run for all versions of builds

Test script once generated is not carved in a stone. Modifications are required as per the changes in the build. Builds can modify either due to change in functionality, or to reflect changes in the test environment or third party tools, or due to bug fixing. In either case, the test cases have to be up to date.

Webomates CQ uses normalized test case modal approach and guarantees that the test cases are self-healed and retested to reflect any changes within the same regression, typically within 24 hours.

Automation is more expensive than manual testing

Automation does require initial investment to set up. But, the overall ROI and benefits are evident in long term.

Understandably, the buy-in of decision makers is important.

  • Webomates helps in automating your test process by offering codeless testing and generating test cases as early as 1 week and maximum 4 weeks time frame. There is an initial cost involved.
  • Once the setup is done, our cost model gives you the flexibility to pay as you go, with additional ability to ramp up or ramp down as per your requirements.
Automation is answer to all prayers

Automation is flaky and can fail in certain cases. A common instance being reporting false failures. Failure analysis and maintenance is costly.

  • Webomates’ AI defect predictor ensures that no false positives are reported by analyzing the test results and predicting the next course of action.
  • Thousands of man hours spent in triaging can be saved by using the Defect Predictor, which in turn has a direct positive effect on the cost.
  • As per our analysis, any traditional tool may take approximately 1-2 days to analyze 300 test cases, but our AI defect predictor can do the same job in a matter of 3 hours only.

Webomates provides services that can help you in generating and automating the right test cases using AI Modeler engine.

AI Testing Service

Let Webomates Help You to Walk Through The Reality

Automation is not a miracle cure, but as you can see that Webomates has answers to the predicaments that organizations may face.

Webomates CQ can make life easier for organizations looking for comprehensive TaaS tools. If this has piqued your interest and you want to know more, then please click here and schedule a demo, or reach out to us at

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