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Dialing into The Power of AI Testing for Telecoms

Applications work fine, until they do not! A sudden load, or an unpredictable integration can make any business be in the eye of the storm and highlight its potential functional or security vulnerabilities! 

Dyn Cyberattack  – Major Internet platforms and services went offline across Europe and North America. US based cloud company Fastly had trouble with its service configurations and thousands of websites went offline. 

The Goal of Telecoms?

Connecting people with technology to elevate the human connections and experiences.

The Challenge?

Reliable and secure connectivity is crucial in the telecom sector. With the proliferation of devices and the ongoing COVID pandemic, customer behavior has changed. Communication providers are seeing this as an opportunity to pivot to digital transformation. Software Testing becomes a central component of this digital transformation. 

The landscape of the telecom industry is changing. It’s an amalgamation of multiple business segments with disappearing boundaries as quoted in the Digital Transformation Initiative in Telecommunications Industry.

Digital Transformation Initiative in Telecommunications Industry

Business Impact

According to Ericsson research, issue resolution in the telecom sector takes an average of 4.1 days. And that makes customer satisfaction take a major dip.
The reasons for moving to Intelligent Automation Testing are compelling in today’s digital life. Today’s customers need instant resolution and personalized experiences.  Each Communication Service Provider (CSP) will have their own business objective and its depending challenges. And ensuring an end-to-end testing will pave a way towards the business’ sustainable competitive advantage. 

AI Testing Service

7 Goals Every Telecom Must Strive for to Stay in Business

7 Goals Every Telecom Must Strive for to Stay in Business

1. Secure Your Application from Costly Data Breaches and Malicious Attacks

Telecoms collect enormous amounts of personally identifiable information and hence are relentlessly targeted by cyber criminals. Any loss of data could result in expensive lawsuits, penalties, and reputational damage. 
Performing Security testing, Exploratory Testing and Performance Testing will help you find potential vulnerabilities, prevent any malicious attacks and safeguard your application by making the system hack proof.

2. Reliable Connectivity and Communication Between IoT Devices

Testing an ecosystem of intelligently connected devices is not an easy task. You need intensive testing of the functionality, usability, accessibility on heterogeneous devices, and networks of these IoT devices.
Webomates has an IoT lab setup for functional and Usability testing. The automation framework has capabilities to support IoT Automated testing, which adds support for Performance testing, Cross platform and cross device testing.

3. Find Defects – Before Your Customer Finds Them

The earlier you find defects, the easier it is to fix it (and less costlier too!). According to Ponemon’s research, a defect found in the Development phase may cost around $80, while the same defect if found in Production would cost $7,600 to fix.

Webomates applies Shift-Left Testing with scaled and targeted regression. Shift-left testing is a continuous endeavor in collaboration from development and QA teams. The goal here is to test each feature the development team develops and provide quick defect data so that they can fix it.
By testing early and often, Shift Left Testing mitigates risks and eliminates surprises by moving the testing towards the early stages of application development.

4. Ability to Integrate with Third-Party Applications

Your customer isn’t bothered if the payment gateway of your application is handled by another third-party software. If it doesn’t work, the customer isn’t going to use your application! And you lose a customer!

You need the ability to envision and test how making changes to one part of the system creates ripples through the rest of the system. Integration Testing helps you identify all the bottlenecks and pain points across all applications, workflows, and platforms.

5. Keep up The Pace with Rapid Releases

CI/CD/CT trifecta is what you need to Test faster, release faster! The combination of CI, CD and CT throughout the delivery lifecycle helps to accelerate the code release and automate the entire development lifecycle. 
Each release of a new product or enhancement to an existing release increases the complexity of testing and effective regression testing can greatly mitigate the business risk.

6. Ensure Application can Handle The Load of Users at All Times

Load on the networks results in server outages and network failures. To enhance user experience and understand the system’s performance under both normal and peak conditions, tools like Webomates conduct stress testing, Load Testing and Performance testing to verify Performance on all pages. The architecture of Webomates CQ platform helps in building codeless performance testing on the existing scenarios.

7. Maintain Compliance and Audit Artifacts

Staying compliant with regulatory requirements mandates that you have the compliance information whenever needed. AI powered tools can help you with audit-ready artifacts for every release for your compliance approvals.

Webomates CQ portal’s reporting and auditing capability makes sure the customer platform is always compliant.

AI Testing is the fundamental driver and CSPs must be fully capable to efficiently develop, test and deploy new products and services – all these at a rapid pace.

Looking for a Smart AI Testing Tool?

We’re here to help! Webomates goal is to work hand-in-hand with the telecom providers and transform their application testing approach. With its Testing-as-a-service patented AI testing platform, it can generate enormous time-effort saving and tremendous improvement in efficiency. Its cloud-native platform helps teams overcome complexities of testing applications built using advanced technologies.

Smart AI Testing Tool

Commitment to customers. Customer Experience. Cost Reduction. Insights. Agility. AI and Innovation. Webomates has it all.

Our scale of collaboration and testing enable us to address vulnerabilities quickly or prevent them entirely. We have the technology solutions and expertise always at hand to help you. We have helped our esteemed clients achieve tremendous benefits by implementing these solutions. 

Get started with testing solutions for the telecom industry.

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