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This week taught us many things. Gratitude tops the list. Looking back, we realize that in our endeavour to make a niche for ourselves in our respective careers, we took a few things in our lives for granted. The current global situation focuses on one thing that matters most in life – Health. Healthy body means good mental health and vice versa is also true. Following the advisory on Covid-19, Webomates went completely remote on a worldwide basis.

To enable our team maintain a positive attitude and high energy, we at Webomates have come up with a health challenge-The Corona Exercise Challenge.

Thanks to all the enthusiastic (webo)mates who have sent their workout videos. Those videos are inspiring and made us smile too. Those videos are proof that nothing can beat the spirit of positivity. At the same time we continue to help our customers day in and day out with our Testing as a Service which in this crisis benefits by being a remote, cloud, and human assisted AI system

Aseem, CEO & Founder Webomates, opened the challenge encouraging others to follow the suit.

Enjoy watching the videos, and images as new participants enter in our Corona Exercise Challenge.

Corona Exercise Challengers

Aseem- The Challenger!

Narendra- Winner of the Week!

Shilpa- Yet another Winner!

Pankaj- Dare him!

Iwan- Dare accept Iwan’ weight Challenge?

Mark Sawer- Follow his Fitness Mantra.

First Corona Push-ups Challenge

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