EXCITING NEWS 🚀🚀Webomates Chosen by Wipro AI Accelerator! Wipro

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Wipro recognizes Webomates as one of the key drivers of innovation and has chosen to mentor us as part of its prestigious AI Accelerator Program. With a range of innovative services, this 6-week program is designed exclusively to support and scale promising startups in the field of AI and empower them with mentorship, resources, and access to Wipro’s expertise.

Webomates will leverage this opportunity to:

  • Gain unparalleled AI Testing Mentorship: Learn from Wipro’s AI experts through masterclasses, networking, one-on-one mentorship sessions, and collaboration with Lab45 and Innovation Centers.
  • Transform AI Testing capabilities: Integrate Wipro’s cutting-edge Generative AI knowledge with Webomates’ patented AI testing tools and services to unlock the full potential of AI in application testing.
  • Achieve enterprise readiness: Earn a customer-ready Wipro certification, gaining access to key Wipro clients and accelerating market reach across Wipro Leadership, Industry Experts, Customers, and Potential Investors.

Webomates CEO Aseem Bakshi expressed his enthusiasm: “Being chosen from a competitive pool of 170 startups is a tremendous honor. Wipro’s commitment to AI will help transform our AI Testing capabilities to deliver new levels of innovation while helping us be scalable. Through this mentorship, we aim to transform how applications are tested”.

About Webomates

At Webomates, we provide intelligent testing solutions to the world’s leading businesses, governments and other organizations. We are an innovation-driven company helping clients test their digital applications, streamline their testing operations, and enhance customer experience – while generating value at speed and scale. 

Visit us at https://www.webomates.com/


Aseem Bakshi,

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