Accelerate Success with AI-Powered Test Automation – Smarter, Faster, Flawless

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Too Many Bugs Slowing Down Your Release Cycle

Test Automation Is Difficult To Implement And Maintain

Test Maintenance Is Expensive

Test Automation Is Always Out Of Date

Affordable No Risk Implementation, Start Free Trial

One Stop
AI Testing Service

Patented AI Test service which helps you test faster & release faster!

Affordable No Risk Implementation, Start Free Trial

Key features of Risk-free Plan

High ROI - Low Cost

Affordable & Scalable

Rapid Set Up

Test Cases are AiGenerated
Your Team Approves Test Cases

AI Generated Tests

Create Test Cases & Scripts with AI & Ops Team You Review and Approve

Self Healing Test Automation

Test Cases & Scripts Added, Adapted, & Updated with each Sprint execution.

Express Execution

Execution Ready in Days
Unlimited Regressions AiHealing 1x a Month

Save Time & Effort

Optimizes Resources Release Faster

FAQ's About Webomates Services

Subscription Related

You can change the subscription plan at any time. Reach out to your Webomates point of contact to modify your plan as per your requirement.
Webomates offers a 10% discount for pre-paid annual subscriptions.

Once you opt for our annual subscription, there are no hidden or additional costs. The subscription cost includes

  • Test Cases are added, adapted, and updated with no additional fees for setup or maintenance.
  • Unlimited smoke test executions

Getting Started

The entire test automation framework setup is our responsibility, with a maximum 10 hours of your time. After that, it is dependent mainly on your release cycle. Your team will have to access the Webomates CQ portal as per the cycle to review the reported bugs and execute smoke execution.
No, Webomates Codeless engine takes care of everything.

How does using Webomates services benefit us?

Webomates CQ does all the heavy lifting during setup, execution and analysis. Your team’s involvement is much less, giving them enough bandwidth to focus on development and enhancements resulting in accelerated release cycles.
We help you discover defects much earlier in the development process thereby reducing the effort and time involved in rectification. Want to know how?Read shift left case study here
Defects are netted at every stage of your sprint, leaving the bare minimal scope for them to reach production.
Webomates CQ uses patented AiHealing to self heal the test cases and test scripts keeping them in sync with the changes. No manual intervention is required, saving enormous time and effort.

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