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Reduce bugs in production – Focus on defect leakage
Are you under pressure to deliver software on time? You bet, I am. So, what is causing the delays? Resource crunch, of course. I am short on people thanks to budget cuts. The latest prediction by the World Bank on... READ MORE
Requirement Traceability Matrix – Importance in Agile
What is Requirement Traceability Matrix? Requirements traceability matrix (RTM) or traceability requirements matrix is the ability to describe and follow the life of a business/technical requirement in both, forward and backward, directions (i.e., from its origins, through its development and... READ MORE
6 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Startup’s Time to Market
Why do startups need faster software development? Starting an entrepreneurial journey is challenging in today’s competitive business environment. Today’s startups face a market of constant instability and disruption due to significant changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and intense competition.... READ MORE
AI Myths Vs Reality
Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm. Be it industrial automation, chatbots, virtual assistants on various websites, self-driving cars, spam filters, voice assistants, healthcare management assistants, social media analysts, etc. The pandemic years of 2020 and 2021 saw a... READ MORE
A Guide to Intelligent End-to-End (E2E) Testing
“It was working fine in the morning but is acting weird ever since we integrated the new module.”“I don’t understand what went wrong. Everything was perfect till we started using input data from another source” “I wonder why this software... READ MORE
What is Smoke Testing? A Detailed Guide
Did you know that the term Smoke testing has its origin in electronic hardware testing? It was as simple as looking for any signs of smoke when the hardware under test was plugged in. If you see smoke, then it... READ MORE
Achieve Effortless Code Coverage with Webomates
Code Coverage is an important metric in software testing. Let’s dive in to it – Software testing assesses application quality. Do we need to assess testing quality as well? Yes, the test strategy, assets, and practice have distinct quality aspects.... READ MORE
Agile vs DevOps (CI/CD) – Introduction & Comparison
Introduction: In today’s competitive world, the customers look forward to the latest releases of software with new and improved features incorporated. The organizations strive to deliver the best to their customers in the shortest possible time. This is only possible... READ MORE
Intelligent Test Automation for Faster And Smarter Software Releases
Intelligent Test Automation - The Next Frontier in The Testing Landscape The value of intelligent automation in today’s world is indisputable. It has emerged as a major disruptive force in the current digital landscape. Today, organizations need to generate increasingly... READ MORE
10 Ways To Accelerate DevOps With AI
Software programming has evolved over the decades and consequently, testing, which is an integral part of software development, has also undergone a series of changes. It all started with ad-hoc testing by developers and testers, traversing through the era of... READ MORE
Test Failure Analysis With AI-Critical To DevOps
Software testing is an extremely important process to ensure that all quality requirements are met before any application is released in the market. With DevOps, the release cycles have become shorter, but expectations are still the same, i.e. high-quality end... READ MORE

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